Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jesus, Be the Center

It’s funny how in the midst of so much chaos and busyness, the times that we cherish the most are those little quiet moments of stillness and rest. For the past 2 weeks I feel like this is a perfect description of how I have been feeling. 

                                              This is the Music DTS 2011!

Well, our school has officially begun. We kicked off the starting of it last Sunday night with an awesome “meet and greet” hang out time where all of our Music DTS students had a chance to bond for the first time as a group. We played games, had snacks and chilled out and it was an awesome time. However, the preparations to make all of that happen was a different story. Last weekend, we had to pick 30 students up from the air port at different times.  I will briefly share about this experience just to get an idea of what we were dealing with. So on Thursday, there was a girl named Abigail arriving from Texas. I walked into the airport with my “Youth with a Mission” sign and held it up. It wasn’t long until a girl approached me introducing herself as Abi. I would have been tracking on the same page, except for the fact that there was an older man standing next to her looking at me as well. I was really confused. Then he introduced himself as her father. And then I put the pieces together. I immediately welcomed them and made a quick adjustment in my head so that they didn’t think I wasn’t prepared for them. But in reality I had no idea that her dad would be coming with her all the way to Australia . I think the leadership knew of this, but forgot to communicate that with us, who would be picking him up. We got her and her dad back to the dorms and then I explained where she would be staying and after that John (her dad) asked “So… where is Dad gonna stay?” I looked at him with the thought in my head “That’s a good question..”, and I think I may have responded “I will get to Adam about that because I don’t know, but we definitely have a place for you” Even though I had no clue if that was true or not. Dan Crook, one of my co-staff and I rushed over to the guest flat and prepared John’s room for him and then took him over after dinner. All in all, we recovered alright, but I wish I could explain the anxiety going on inside my head throughout this whole dilemma, because I had no idea how to make some of these things happen. 

Another story happened last Saturday night. On Friday night I was told that I would be moving out of my staff house (which is nice and cozy) into the girls dorms down the street. I was okay with this, but bummed with the fact that this dorm doesn’t have internet, and that I had to pack all of my things up and then unpack it again. But I had a good attitude so it’s alright. This was my project Saturday night, and I was up at my house in the middle of packing, and I get a call from one of the other leaders on base saying there is a guy at the airport that is saying he is from the Music DTS and there was no one there to pick him up. She had called our leader, but he hadn’t answered his phone because he was out watching a game of rugby. So panicked, I immediately called Dan and asked what to do.. and his response was “Well, it looks like we’re going to the airport”, so him and our other staff member John, jumped in the car and were on their way to save the day. They ended up finding him, which was a miracle, but just the communication and unawareness in the whole situation was pretty comical. On top of these “UH-OH” moments, we were asked to do a lot of things to get ready for the school as well. So finally, Sunday night arrived and we could finally relax a little bit. I don’t tell these stories to say “Woes me”, but to say how I am learning to become adaptable and flexible in any situation. I think it’s good that I am learning this right from the beginning because I think there are going to be lots of moments to come where I will need to rise to the occasion and into a position of leadership, even if I have no idea what is going on. 

A funny little story-
At the start of the week the students had some time to hang out a little bit and some of them decided to play volleyball so two of our guys went looking for the ball. It just so happens that these two boys have a lot of energy and excitement; especially when they get together. They walked into the office looking for the volleyball and discovered this little trap door that led to a sort of “secret garden” that we have in that building, which is surrounded by walls on all sides, but open at the top. They went through  the dor and entered the garden and Dan, one of my staff mates thought it would be really funny to lock them in there.  In their hopes to get out of the garden, the boys decided to scale the wall of the building and get up onto the roof of our buildings and then jump down. I heard that they were doing this because one of the other student came to tell me, and I ran in trying to find them in time… but by then I already saw two sets of legs coming down the roof. I ran over to one of the other staff members named Luke, and I was like “Okay, sooo in this situation, what am I actually supposed to do?” At this point I think I just had to laugh. They were definitely not supposed to be doing that, but I gotta hand it to them for their creativity. 

I have also recognized - throughout the week that the students are watching. They see how I respond to things and my attitude really shows through. So I really want nothing more than to be sweet spirited and have a consistent positive attitude these next 6 months, and to be the best leader that I can. 
Just so you have an idea…
Our week went a little bit like this:

Monday morning, we had orientation day where the students got introduced to who we are as a mission and got a little better idea of what we do, and how we function. Tuesday we had registration day, where everything was signed, and taken care of as far as finance, books, pictures, tours, medical insurance forms, etc.. all that fun stuff. Then in the afternoon, we had a little adventure day planned for them which was a scavenger hunt throughout the city to find a lot of our main attractions, stores and things like that so they would be a little more familiar with the area. Wednesday was our first day of lectures, and our topic was “Hearing God’s voice”. The students seemed really ready to receive truth, and were very excited about what our speaker had to say. And for the rest of the week this was how our schedule went. Jess Erikson, our speaker, did a very good job of inspiring each student to really seek after God right from the beginning. She did this by comparing knowing God to knowing one of our closest friends.. and she challenged them to not just know ABOUT God, to know Him personally. I feel like I needed to be reminded of this as well, and I even felt more motivated at the end of the week. When I really stop and think about it, I have no greater desire than to KNOW my creator, the one who knows me better than I know myself, and the one who LOVES me more than I will ever be able to comprehend. My prayer is that each student can have this desire as well, and that it would drive them to set aside time so that they can know their creator as well on a personal and intimate level. It’s amazing that this is the reason we were created; to have a real ALIVE and deep relationship with God. It moves me so much when I think about this.

On Friday we had a time of worship with the school, and there were some very genuine prayers that were prayed by some of the students. It’s so cool to see what is going on at the core of their hearts, and seeing that they are here and ready for what is next. I can’t say that for all of the schools that have come through this place, and I can’t even say that for myself when I was a student last year, but I am so excited to see them all gain revelation and to walk with them as they look to God as their teacher.
On Saturday, we all dressed up as singers and went to IKEA for breakfast, and then we hung out at the beach until lunch time and had a great time socializing, running around, and playing games. It has been really really cool to see how the class has bonded and gotten to know each other in just one short week.  I think it’s important for this to happen, because they are going to be spending the next 6 months together. So all in all, it was a great first week. We had a good staff training and preparation week before hand where we all learned a little more about our roles as leaders and I think that week really helped me see that I am a leader, and that I have such an important role in the lives of many. 

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my position of leadership right now. On the weekdays, I wake up at 5 or 5:30 and have my quiet time, and get ready for Morning Prayer at 7:15. We are committed to praying for our students every day and fighting for God to intervene. And then the day starts at 8 am with all of the activities until we are done which is not until about 8:30 pm. And on top of that we have to be ready to aid the students when things come up, which has already happened a couple times. A couple of the girls have had a few struggles where they are not doing so well, or need support and I love being able to be there for them and pray with them. But sometimes I don’t actually know what to say, so it can be challenging.  I often ask “Why did God call me to do this? I am not a leader, and I’m definitely not ready to take on something this big”. But what I know in the middle of all of these things happening at once, that God is consistent. He never changes, and all I need to focus on is continuing to put Him in the center. He is the source of all wisdom, comfort, patience, grace, love, and strength—everything we need only comes from Him and He is enough to carry us. He always is. It’s an incredible feeling to know that I don’t have to do all of these things alone. It’s almost like a weight being lifted off of me, and I can breathe a little easier. God isn’t expecting me to be perfect at this job; heck, I have already made plenty of mistakes. But I know that when I look to Him for guidance in every single step, He is so faithful. He will never let me down, even if I let myself down. And it’s because of Him and everything He gives me, that I feel like I am able to give of myself to these students.

So that is my last 2 weeks in a nutshell. I am learning SO much, and I am so excited to learn more. This is going to stretch me more than I will have ever been stretched before, and I couldn’t be more pumped about that. God is so good, and all I want is more of Him each day. Can’t wait to share more with you as this new season starts unfolding more and more!

P.S. Here are those pictures from the wedding back in May that I said I would post! 

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