Sunday, April 8, 2012

For my reward is bringing glory to You.

“I wanna take your word and shine it all around, but first help me just to live it Lord…”

This time of year there is so much to be thankful for; Seasons changing, beautiful weather, lots of chocolate, seeing family and friends and most importantly celebrating the new life and the new hope that we’ve been given. As I reflect on this past month or so and the variety and flavor of things I had my hand in, I praise God for entrusting me with new things to carry. And I am so thankful that I don’t have to carry them alone.

Some of those things haven’t been easy or the most desirable, but when we’re all here to serve, sometimes we won’t get the loveliest of jobs. I will rewind back to March, where we as a base were just entering our new building. There was a lot of deep cleaning that needed to get done before we could really start moving everything in. So, most of us got down on our hands and knees, and scrubbed our little hearts out. Others were finishing up the actual building of our property, and some did paperwork and necessary communication in order to run. We all pitched in and even put in extra hours to see completion come sooner. It was a very intense time, but the fact that every person showed up spoke volumes to me about the commitment and devotion to seeing God’s kingdom come here to Perth. I forget that we are all volunteers, and could be doing other things, and it amazes me how many people are investing themselves here.  It’s pretty cool. Another thing I was a part of was serving breakfast for international meetings that our base hosted. These are some very well known and well respected leaders in different parts of the world, and we were privileged to have them come and stay with us for 2 weeks time. I’m not sure if I have explained our value of hospitality, but we set the standard very high…which is good, but that also means we work hard to make sure our guests are happy. My team of 7 would be at the base at the crack of 6 am and sometimes 5:30 to start preparations for breakfast. As fun as that time was, I hope I don’t have an opportunity to help with something that messes with my sleep for a long time.  There was a lot of people that were around at that time as well, so craziness was just in the air!

                More recently I have been helping with the pursuit of partnering with mining companies around the area of Perth, as there are many. Because we are a non-profit organization, we are always looking for donations of any kind, and we feel if we can really communicate who we are and what we do to these places, there might be some very generous donations and some regular partnership, which would be sweet---and really, more people would be supporting the Kingdom of God..I like looking at it from that perspective. I don’t have much experience at speaking with businesses, so asking for money for our organization intimidates me quite a bit, but I’m learning to jump in and embrace the challenge.

STREET CHAPLAINS: I know I talked about this in my last update… how I have joined a ministry called street chaplains. They go out into the city during the hours of 9pm-4am on the weekends to be a light and provide care and help for people in need. We are partnered with the police so we help them if they need assistance in fights or helping people get home and other sorts.  So, I have finished my training and am now a certified street chaplain. I went out about a month ago on an observation training, and my eyes were astounded at what I saw. There is an incredibly high level of alcohol consumption, girls in way too short of dresses and super tall heels, men obnoxiously yelling,  and too many unnecessary fights breaking out that could have been prevented. People are empty inside and so they go out at night to satisfy that emptiness, only to make some stupid choices, and wake up regretting those choices the next say. I sat with a guy about my age, who had one too many to drink, along with the other chaplains, and just waited for him to sober up. I helped him throw up, and patted his back making sure my shoes didn’t get decorated in the process. But as I was sitting there, I realized how important it was that we were there. We didn’t tell him he needed to stop drinking, or judge him in any way, but we provided care and support because he needed it. And he will remember the people in the purple polos that say “street chaplains” as people who simply wanted to help… it’s an absolutely incredible way to witness the love of Christ without words. It also speaks a lot to bystanders who would normally just point and laugh at this guy. God uses us for so much more than we realize if we let him I’m so honored to be a part of such a great ministry to make a difference in the city of Perth.

Here is a picture of our lovely bunch-----

WORSHIP—I have joined the worship team here at Youth with a Mission, as well as our 24/7 Worship and prayer room. I will be singing for the team at our Monday morning worship times, as well as for our Friday Night Meeting services (they are like our church services open to the public). And I am also aiming to lead an hour slot on vocals and keyboard during the week in our worship and prayer room. I am really super stoked about this---it’s been a long time since I have been able to use my passion for music on a weekly basis… and I have had lots of revelation about the gifting of God and to use them for His glory, my own motivations for wanting to sing have lessened and lessoned and I couldn’t be more excited to glorify God with the musical abilities and love for music that He has given me! It’s truly a gift—and to be able to draw people into God’s presence is something I am really keen on doing and learning.

ENDURANCE- I have been learning lately about endurance: What does it mean to keep going even when you don’t feel like it? When you can’t make sense of emotions or understand everything, it’s often a bit more difficult to do things with a joyful heart and spirit. Since we have entered our new base and are now occupying it, the excitement and celebrations has sort of eased a bit. Our hard work is done mostly done, but I think a lot of people are feeling like taking a bit of a break… I know I am. But I’m learning to keep serving where there is help needed, and to keep putting my hand up, even when I don’t really want to… Jesus suffered a lot more than I am now, and I’m not even really suffering.. but He tells us that if we want to follow Him we will share with Him in His suffering. And now as it being Easter I think of all that Jesus did for me… taking sin and dealing with it all on the cross so that I would no longer need to turn back to it and live in bondage, but experience freedom, it puts things back into perspective for me. He is worthy! No matter what I feel or see or am going through, He is worthy of me giving Him everything that I am physically, mentally and emotionally, and willingly able to offer.

He is Risen!  Yes He has.. Easter is one of my favorite times of year! So much celebrating! Usually, for Easter I am at home with my family, and I sing in the choir with my dad.. which is kind of a special thing =) and then my whole family gets together and we do easter egg hunts and the kids (me included) play a game with each other, and it’s just good fun! Lots of laughing and eating sweets…and there’s a feeling in the air I reckon, that I can only sense when it’s Easter time. We had an Easter lunch here at our base on Friday. We had a message from our leader, Caleb. He talked about Easter being a time of hope, love and faith. I’d have to agree. I find hope in the new life and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour.. that hard times shall pass when we hope in Him.. it’s also a time of love, where we recognize how much He truly loved us because of what He  gave up. It moves me to think of that when I see how undeserving I am of eternal life. But that’s how good of a Father our God is and because of His love, He chose to give up His perfect son. Thank you Lord! And Easter is a time of faith. Where we can look to God in faith because of His power and glory. We trust in Him alone to bring us through even greater things yet to come. Praise the Lord for He is good. His merciful love endures forever!

“….And when I’m doing well, help me to never seek a crown, for my reward is bringing glory to you.”

This quote is a verse from a song that I’ve been playing all day. Written by Keith Green, and sung by Jesus Culture, it’s really powerful --- it reminds me why I do what I do.. and who gets the glory for it... Let us all glorify Him in all that we do!  If you’re keen to have a listen:

1 comment:

  1. So, so proud of you Erika! You're moving mountains over there and I can feel the earth moving here too. :) So excited about your street chaplain position- that's awesome to hear about and I know you're making a difference. Keep on, keepin' on. Love you and can't wait to see you.

