Saturday, December 14, 2013

'Tis the Season To Be....Thankful.

A few weeks ago I arrived back in Perth, Australia, returning to the place that I have been calling home for the last couple years now. I’ve got to say, I have been given the gift of so many valuable relationships over here from people all over the world, and although they are not my family by blood, they sure love me a lot, and aren’t afraid to show it!
In saying that, I want to just let you know how incredible of a time I had at home in Minnesota. For all who I was able to see, it was such a special privilege to get to spend time with you!  On the plane ride back here, I had was realizing how much I love all the people in my life!! During the 6 weeks I was home, I was able to see old friends from high school, church, go to a bridal shower for a close friend, road trip with my dad, visit a friend down in Kansas City, spend the night at a few places, connect with many over coffee or lunch, spend time with my beautiful and fun little sister, shop with mom and visit with family and supporters I haven’t seen in a long time! It was wonderful.

Since I have been in Perth, life hasn’t slowed down at all…. In fact, I feel like it picked up another few miles per hour… We had a staff camping trip for all of our YWAM staff, so we took buses up north for the weekend and camped in tents at one large campsite. It was good fun… we played games, hit the beach, and had some teachings from two of our main leaders. I was impressed at how well we were able to transport about 300 + people up two hours and back all in one piece!! =)
For the last few weeks I have been involved in a variety of activities… helping get our base ready for Christmas by sorting out the food, and also getting trained in a 2 week course that will qualify me to be a leader on the Discipleship Training School that I will be a staff member on this coming January. The course finished Friday so now I will be helping fill in the gaps where help is needed until the School starts in January.. I will also be helping prepare for the School. YOUNG PEOPLE’S DTS is the name. And it’s geared towards 17-24 year olds! I am really excited for it!
A little story I would like to share is one from this past week. On Thursday, we went out into teams to do some evangelism – meeting and sharing with people in different parts of the city. Some teams go and provide practical help for families in crises, others do ministry with kids and my team went to a lower income, more segregated part of the city. In the park we had a time of worship, and then got into pairs and prayed, asking the Lord what we should do. The only thing I felt was to look for a family that is hurting and broken. My partner, Kristian felt to look around  the park and join a circle of people close by. We spotted a few groups of Aboriginal people across the park from us and thought it would be a good idea to go and see if we could meet them. So we did. We walked toward a group of about six and as soon as they saw me with the guitar (I had led our worship time so I was still carrying it), they called out to me and asked if I would sit and play them some music. They said their uncle had just passed away the day before and they were all sitting there mourning his loss. A few of them had alcohol with them to relieve the pain and I could tell there wasn’t full consciousness in some. Alcohol is a big issue with Aboriginal people – for the last 30-40 years at least, it’s one of the biggest ways they cope with their problems and deeply rooted pain. So I agreed and I sat down, thinking “what am I going to play…?” And then I felt the Lord show me I should play songs about God’s goodness and love and healing power. They just sat there and listened, enjoying the uplifting words and melody. I loved watching them enjoy it. After I couldn’t think of anything else to play, another Aboriginal guy came and sat down by us and asked to see the guitar. I handed it over to him and much to my surprise he whipped out songs from out of nowhere and got us all singing a long with him…. A couple of the ladies stood up and did a little boogie, too! It was a really sweet time just loving them and laughing with them --- I felt like God really brought us there to bring them his joy and remind them of his love for them. There wasn’t much conversation happening, just music playing… but for that occasion I felt like that’s what they needed. We prayed for them at the end of it….and left feeling like God really did show up and reveal himself in a big way =) Was thankful to be a part of that story.

Here’s a little video of our time with these lovely people…

Lastly, talking about thankfulness…. I felt that was an appropriate title for this blog…. Yes, we just had thanksgiving, but more than that I feel like in the last little while my eyes have been open to so many of the real blessings in my life. The people in it are one of the greatest gifts I could ever get. I live in a beautiful country and I get to live everyday and see God move in people’s lives! Such a privilege.. We had a little thanksgiving dinner tonight (Sunday) with the Americans, but we invited our international friends as well because we are includers =) My friend Molly (not my sister, but she works with me!) and I made sweet potato casserole, and I also made my own concoction of pumpkin puree chai spice milkshake…. People loved it! I can give you the recipe if you want! We sat down outside on blankets and tables and just had a great time with one another. I was so happy to have had real celebration in honor of the special occasion. 

Thankfulness is an amazing thing. It brings perspective, it shows us how much we really have, and makes us realize that our lives are not our own doing, but God’s plan from the start. I will never wrap my mind around the gift of life and salvation that He’s given us through his son, Jesus. We did nothing to deserve this….absolutely nothing, yet, He said he wants us to know him and choose him.. so he made a way to do that. As we look to the Christmas season coming up, my hope and prayer is to explore message of truth deeper so that God will use it impact my life in greater fullness.  That’s my prayer for you, too! 

Blessings til the new year!
Much love,

…….. Oh, yeah and Molly came back to Perth from outreach on Friday!!!! She’s been in Dubai doing some work there with her team, so I’m pretty stoked to see her =)

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